Saturday, November 27, 2010

RAK my new kit! =)

I will be releasing a new kit next week. If you want to have it?, just leave me some love and I will pick 3 lucky winners on Dec. 3. Here is Sneak Peek for you to enjoy. lol! =)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's my Birthday! (Nov. 24)

It's my birthday today and I know it's late for me to announce! I'm sorry for not offering you some stuffs, I'm really busy this week and i don't even get a chance to have a day off on my work, I'm really tired right now but I've enjoy my day, I promise to gift you some treats this coming weeks so what out for that. I don't know if I will release a new kit next week, but if not, I'm sure to put a new kit on my store this coming December.
Thank you for all your positive comment on my return on Digital Scrapbooking world, I really miss you all! Hope to come back soon and God Bless us All! =)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm Back with a Gift!

Hello everyone! Who missed me?... =) well, I missed all you! I'm back for now but not that much, and I prepare a gift for you all as I'm having my Birthday! I will not yet tell when exactly is my birthday but you will be surprise! Click the preview to download this mini kit I made.

Here is a sample page the I made with the mini kit!

Don't forget to leave some love and Enjoy my simple gift! Be back soon! =)